Acapella Singing

A Capella Singing  

A significant part of our worship is spent singing praises to the Lord as a congregation.  Colossians 3:16 speaks to the power of song to teach and encourage the church, 
You will not find instrumental music in use in our worship.  We lean on the examples found in the scriptures in context of New Testament congregational worship. (Acts 16:25Romans 15:91 Corinthians 14:15Ephesians 5:19Colossians 3:16Hebrews 2:12James 5:13).
As we worship in song we need to recall the direction of our worship is to God.  

Listen and Learn

While we sing many traditional songs, we keep an ear out for new songs that we can introduce to our worship.  Even John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” was new at one point in time.  
Check back here from time to time and we will post links and videos for songs we are hoping to use in a future worship service.
Loved by You
Zoe Group

In Need
Ross King

Highly Exalted
Robin Mark

Let It Rise
William Murphy